Doomsday Wonderland Wiki

The second world Lin Sanjiu visited. On the surface, it's a world overtaken by radiation with only one domed city that shelters ordinary humans who abhor posthumans. Beneath, there are vines that lead to a meat apple tree with monsters guarding it and eating from it.


No one knows the exact date that this apocalyptic world called Garden of Eden descended. Everyone only knows that it has been a few decades. At that time, the citizens here had advanced technology. They created this city enclosed in glass and many normal people with zero Potential Growth Value survived. Even though they cannot leave this radiation-free zone, they are not subjected to random transportation to other New Worlds. Thus, they continued thriving for a long time.

By foot, you could explore the entire Garden of Eden city in three hours. The inhabitants, as regular humans, can't leave the dome without being exposed to radiation sickness.

“Can you imagine a life like that? Living in a restrictive cage from the day you were born, unable to leave and knowing that you will just have a job that the government assigns, raising a limited number of children as dictated, dying in a designated spot, and out there… there are those free Posthumans coming and leaving as they want..”

Gong Daoyi to Lei Ming, Chapter 116

At first, this group of people probably only envied Posthumans and wished that they could leave this glass city. That was until they realized that the Posthumans that arrived were desperate to enter the city. Not only did they want to enter their city, but also lusted for their resources: Anti-radiation gummies, clothes, clean water, etc. Some other New Worlds also share the right wing views that Posthumans are not humans. But this is a perfect place to inculcate the view that Posthumans are lower class organisms deep in the people’s conscience. Under such conditions, with the lack of entertainment, and no proper cultivation of empathy, the Lunar New Year Tournament was finally created.

